My Planned Life

My Planned Life

As I process this story again, God reminds me that He knew me and named me before I was born. He watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. His eyes saw me then. What was perhaps an attempt of the enemy to 'steal, kill and destroy' - was providentially interrupted through the prayers of my parents and the wisdom and strength of skilled doctors...and my mother, she bears the scars as evidence of my planned life.

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It's His. For Us. - a commentary on creativity

It's His. For Us.    - a commentary on creativity

We all contain something given..a gift.  We are fearfully and wonderfully made, with our very own DNA, our very unique finger print, and the sum of the hairs on our head known. We do have something.  But what is more, is that we have something that is His.....Something we lay on an altar and give back.  So, there is no claiming it.

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